Wednesday 10 July 2013

A little update from Prague

I'm writing this short update towards the end of a very long day travelling on a train from Krakow to Prague. I think we are due to arrive so hopefully this train will be on time unlike the first of today's trains which was delayed due to some mad man and a crane on the track.

So here are a few things we have learnt in our first two days out of the Country,

-Notes are not an appropriate form of payment. It is apparently unforgivably rude to pay with any form of money that is not a coin, it's a good job we all have nothing but 100+ notes for Prague. Why is currency so high??

-The street performers are generally talented, but also weird. Highlights included a woman with a unicorn head, an overly persistent violinist and a man spinning several times on his head.

-Contemporary art is, well contemporary.

-The signs don't make sense. 

-Never try and order a hotdog on a train, you might get this.

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